Rainy Morning

For those of us who live in houses, hardly anything is more soothing and peaceful than waking to the sound of rain. In some houses the sound is too muted to appreciate; but ours is a style called American Foursquare. A large box with a hip roof and a center attic dormer, it was popular from the 1890s into the 1930s. 
Rain drips or pours off the dormer onto the roof directly over our bed, a magical design for happy drowsing. When the weather is right we have the upstairs porch door open and the bay breeze wafts in. All in all, Life Is Good at 2308.
Our adult Sunday school lesson this wet and rainy morning will be from the Book of Judges. Last Sunday we read and lightly discussed about the first half of the book, because in the Lectionary our First Reading was from Judges. For this morning we agreed to finish up Judges. Besides the cyclical theme of creation, sin, judgement, repentance and redemption and the list of the major and minor Judges of Israel, the book has quite a few interesting stories, some of them legends of famous heroes of Israel. A few of the stories are children’s Sunday School quality, others are R-Rated at best. This morning we’ll be reading some of those that are for mature audiences only. Mary Stuart Poole Library, 9:15 a.m.
The rain will have passed on over by then.