More tea, Vicar?
More tea, Vicar?
Why anyone reads this is beyond me, I don’t even read it myself. But some do.
Tea this morning. Years ago the bishop put me onto Alexander McCall Smith’s No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series, maybe starting with book number 4, The Kalahari Typing School for Men. Mma Precious Ramotswe and her friends always drink African Red Bush tea. Don’t remember for sure, but seems to me they drink it with condensed milk.
As with everything else, it’s available on the www and there’s always a small supply here.
Sunday/Monday overnight brought me upset stomach, so the diet this week is light. Tea for breakfast yesterday, PG Tips decaf. Tea again this morning, African Red Bush. Touch of plain though, not condensed milk. In my white mug with “More tea, Vicar?” spread round the rim at the top, thanks, Kate.
Today is Tuesday Morning Bible Study, we’ve done several letters of Paul: Philippians, 1st Thessalonians, Galatians; then moved to the disputed letter Ephesians. The class wanted to do another disputed letter, so this morning after finishing our discussion of Ephesians we’re reading Colossians. As the original author intended and expected, we read the whole letter all the way through, start to finish, only pausing to circle things that we may want to come back and discuss later.
Why do some scholars say some letters claiming to be Paul’s are pseudonymous? Writing style, words and phrases, christology. Scholars are not in unanimity and it’s a decide-for-oneself thing. Come join us.
All are invited and welcome. Gather in my office between 9:45 and 10:00 and begin our Bible study at 10:05. Adjourn reliably at 11:15.
My office is through the open garage door at 1011 East Third Street.