Hail Caesar

A parishioner friend who was a car dealer (SHMG, this is NOT local, I've had a car dealer friend and parishioner in every parish I ever served) once told me that some of his pickup truck customers made their purchase and selected their financing based on the amount of the late payment fee. 

HuffPost, CNN, BBC and Everybody’s Brother are reacting to Putin’s NYT piece. Everybody’s Brother includes brainless flag-waving numnuts intellectually in the lunatic fringe with road-ragers, who post vicious anonymous comments at the end of on-line news articles. For the reality show, their pickup truck has a loaded weapon in the gunrack, a Confederate flag license plate on front, a payment overdue with late fee, and if you don't want to get shot, it's only safe to repo it in the middle of the night. Like the raving madman in the graveyard with Jesus, their name also is Legion.
Putin says it’s dangerous to promote oneself, one’s nation, as exceptional, and Everybody’s Brother proves his point. The self-styled exceptional one places himself above the law, above public scrutiny, above regard for world opinion. The first half of the 20th century was full of him, so full of him that they don’t need to be named. By the middle of the 20th century he was out of the closet, Pogo Possum had ID'd and outed him. By the end of the 20th century and into Century 21 there was only one of him, as exceptional and unstoppable as a colony of fire ants. His name is Caesar Certitudinous. All hail.