How odd to wake at 4:42 feeling guilty about oversleeping. No matter as it’s not my morning to preach. Grandfather Nature reminds me of my age by insisting I not snuggle back down to make an even five o’clock of it, but rise this instant. Rise and hurry, if not shine.
Water dripping off the roof, and the street’s soaked, stepping out into still a slight drizzle, so pop the umbrella open for the walk down the concrete steps and path, dodging the sprinkler that knows me by name and crouches for me. Newspaper’s not there yet, the carrier evidently enjoying Sunday morning by starting a bit late, or maybe it takes longer to roll the larger paper and stuff it in the plastic wrap. No matter. A smallcraft speeds by in the near channel, headed east, visible by its red port light. Green channel marker beyond, but I’m good.
Coffee. This morning my first cup of the cylinder of 100% Kona from WholeFoods our last trip to Tallahassee. It’s fine, though I’m no coffee connoisseur. 80F again by the back porch thermometer as I go out to check for the flashing red light on the dash of Kristen’s car to signal her home safe, parked in the carport on the other side of Linda’s. And the PCNH is not on the Calhoun side as it is now and then.
Draw another cup of Kona and back out front with cup and computer to wait on the front porch, but there’s the paper this time. The sprinkler is off now but the green navigation light flashes on forever, searing the mind. Where's the boat? She's passed on.
Why is the weather so absolutely constant as to wait for me every morning at 80F for weeks on end -- ? Eighty and too muggy to sit on the front porch (the weather, not me). Maybe late next month after my birthday, mornings of autumn leaves and cool. The age cometh and now is when the true thinker always wonders if this will be the sleep from which to awaken elsewhere.
Rally Day at my wonderful church today, fried chicken dinner after the second service, and sign up for my Tuesday morning Bible study. It starts the day after Labor Day, and Sunday School starts the following Sunday. Fellowship and fun all.