Loving You Anyway

Somewhat to my surprise, I find in aging that I can enjoy and like people who are very different to me in life, folks with outlooks opposite to mine, people like you. Maybe it’s maturity, maturity teaching me forbearance, or leaving me forbearing, not infuriated as I easily used to be, at those who differ from me, especially in arenas political, social, religious.

There was a time when I was readily confrontational with people who said things I considered stupid, maybe maturing has taught me, is teaching me, teaches me, will continue teaching me, to step back and be kinder and gentler. Or maybe it’s all these years in this vocation.

No one cares to be around lunatic fringe, left or right, who are obnoxious about their views, obnoxious and overbearing, whether we see things the same or not. But to believe differently about things, and not pick argument, nor even, perhaps, respond directly when people say things that they evidently -- "assume" is the word – that we are synoptic, but that I find outrageous or ignorant, fine. My problem, I suppose, is that I don’t agree with anyone on everything, in fact, may seldom agree with anyone on anything. Bible, religion, politics, theology, social issues. I’m just standing here seeing what an idiot you are, keeping my mouth shut, willing to be friends and love you anyway without trying to change you. My baptismal covenant requires it of me.

“Do you believe?”
“I believe.”

“Will you?”
“I will, with God’s help.

I’m trying. I’m not there yet, and I may not be trying my hardest or doing my best, but I’m trying. God is working on me. Not to make me the same as you, but to help me love you anyway, bless your heart.