Sunday Salad
47F outside, 69F inside, why does it feel chilly in here even with this heavy blanket over my feet, legs, lap and up to my chin. Sniffles, I hope that doesn’t signify. White cotton blanket, actually a twin bedspread, but folded double for new duty as we no longer have any twin beds in the house. Clearing out, we're down to two kings and one queen. In fact, we're down on everything but chairs, some rooms are totally empty and some rooms even echo. There was a time years ago when this house sat long vacant and empty, the owners living far away. My father would drive by and, seeing the back door standing open, stop and pull it shut. My father never lost his love for this house. Neither will I.
Okay, now we’ll see a Heisman matchup on New Years Day with Jameis and Mariota. Was Jameis ever this humble and appealing? The new job for Muschamp makes me an Auburn fan. Army Navy signs check it out
Advent Three, second Sunday of John the Baptist, one of these days I’ll figure that out. My favorite thing about Advent may be the apocalyptic readings and sense of it that folks miss while decorating the Christmas tree. Adult Sunday School this morning, come one come all, discover what you may not have known. Gaudete, rejoice!
There goes the heater kicking back on.