+Time +++
Violated my principles last night. The second Tuesday evening of each month, our EfM graduates gather for a program and supper. Last night our dinner was chicken casserole on rice, and it was so delicious I had a second helping. That's a terrible idea and at this age and stage of life and health I try never to do that, but sometimes my resolve doesn’t hold, especially with a second glass of malbec. It’s bad enough because today is a full day as it is, plus the semi-annual visit to my primary care physician is taking the place of my Wednesday walk with Robert. Grouse, grouse, grouse. However exercise-wise, Thursday is my “free morning” and we’ve rescheduled to walk tomorrow.
Never did this spectator sportsman think to be engaged in a, for me vigorous, exercise program every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; but here I am. And most weeks I’ve been going downstairs to the exercise gym here on Thursdays and sometimes Saturdays. Do I like it? No. Is it making me feel like a jock? No way. No alphabet way. And as soon as Linda wakes up I’ll go into my bathroom and take furosemide because of last night’s feasting.
Life comes down to pills and presses. I’m trying to do better than my father did after his valve replacement and bypass work. Although his cardiologist had prescribed exercise, I couldn’t even get him to walk around the block with me, and if I tried to insist, he’d get angry, so I gave it up. In the 57 years I knew my father, JCT was the only person who could push his buttons and make him laugh. But as a grandfather myself, I understand that.
This two stage retirement into anciency needs a new title. +Time+ maybe. A seventh floor condo overlooking my favorite place on earth is like unto graduating halfway to heaven. Come to think of it, at this early hour all I see is blackness and a green light, maybe I’m already there!
What news is bothering me. A lot, a lot of it. A lot of this morning's news is distressing and disturbing. Mostly I refrain from comment, because I’m still active in a vocation where those around me are all over the place politically, socially, and one more priest stirring the pot helps nothing, + it isn't helpful that I often disagree with the political posturings of my denomination, ++ my experience in life is that I’m usually wrong anyway, +++ the most liberal and the most conservative folks I’ve known in life have most often been the kindest and most generous. Which means that regardless of the “Do you believe?” questions of the Baptismal Covenant, they are taking the “Will you?” questions far more seriously and to heart than I.
Early morning, very early, not the slightest hint of light in the eastern sky. February, and all I can see is a green light far away on the other side. February. What’s it like over there?