Caring Serves

No lawyer, I’m wondering whether “I looked at him and he took off running” is probable cause for giving chase and making an arrest. I really don’t know. When is it against the law to run from the police. As I understand, or misunderstand it, the prosecuting official has even charged a black woman police officer who happened to glance into the police van. I’m not sure, from reading the media, what her responsibility was that she failed to do, that constituted a chargeable offense. I might think it’s not my affair, but I suppose it is. At least, in that I do care. That this is happening, and that it either is or the media are creating it an epidemic. And care about the human beings involved, especially those who grieve and those whose life experience is so different to mine. If they also serve who only stand and wait, do they also serve who only sit and read about? I don’t know. I do feel like caring serves.

And that honestly includes not being cynical about the prosecutor in any way. Immediacy is also part of justice. 

How will America be in 2115, different or the same? The nation has enough promise and goodness for that to be a glad era. This land is my land. Loving my country, I pray good things.

Couple pleasure boats heading out. Large ship just entered the Pass, two tugs positioned to assist. Another tug heading across the Bay and out the Pass. From the Pass, fourteen minutes to draw even with my balcony. Round the bend, past my chair, and on to the Port.