Only Will You?

Windy, Warm, and Cloudy

71F, 95%, Zero Precip but inconsistently the Mon symbol is 
and though the online weather site says 12 mph, the breeze seems higher than that up here in 7H. Noisy wave action. Supper last evening included too much soy sauce on my shrimp and brown rice, forgetting it’s so salty, so the FuroForty is at work before the mill whistle blows for 0700 walk time. One shrimp boat still dragging the channels. 

One wonders what rationalization of Genesis 1:27a might be given for why people are so alphabet stupid, damaging mosques, threatening Muslims, playing the enemy’s script by reacting to life with hatred born of fear. According to the media, action against Muslims is at its all time high since 9/11. 

Papers, please. We’re only human, aren’t we, not all that many generations removed from our crocodilian core. How long until rights are redefined so the surveilled may be rounded up, arrested and interned before they act. Awakened by shouting outside, the 0200 knock on your neighbor’s door, gunfire and the Juden signs go back up with a new Name, yellow armbands and number tattoos. Advent: keep the X in Xpistos. 

Jesus and the Sweet Pilgrim Baptist Church: “I didn’t know it was you, Miss Jesus, I never woulda shot if I’da knowed it was you.” The voice of unmitigated white trash.

Believing is non-salvific: Will You? 

201512140617 looking east from 7H