
It seems irresponsible to say nothing in the wake of the latest mass shootings. Horrified, I rant Irrationally to get it out of my system, then beg off octogenarianally, like it or lump it. I’m lumping it. The sadness, despair, in deepest grief for the innocent and appalled for my country of which I was once so proud. No longer proud, I am ashamed to be an American where to curb the atrocities against innocents nothing is done by those in office, those in power, cowardice, taking no action, rendering themselves the culpable. They are the terrorists, their crocodile tears litany of “thoughts and prayers for the victims” are posturing, meaningless, worthless rubbish, St. Paul would say σκύβαλον and hearing him say it, his mother would grab him by the ear and drag him into the bathroom to wash his mouth out with soap. I am ashamed of what my beloved country has become, the depths to which we have sunk, our own doing on every count. Shame. Shame. The pope is right, we have made a charade of Christmas, a banal mockery of our God, blasphemed the Holy Spirit. And there is no health in us. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders. Spare us, good Lord. Miserable offenders, no health in us. Shame.

Shame. Miserere mei, Deus.