Thursday: busy day ahead
Just-ice I finish an article about Sotomayor’s latest searing dissent and scroll back to read a piece in which Sonia and Ruth disclose Supreme Court lunchroom secrets, the spinning beachball arrives to stop online and turn me to this blogpost. Rain overnight, evidenced by water drops on the porch rail, not blowing rain, at least not from the south, seeing the porch floor didn’t wet my socks. Great clouds yesterday and a couple bird shots, what I'm impatient for are an osprey carrying a mullet arms length by my porch, and half dozen pelicans in formation east- or westward, wingtips almost touching the railing as they glide by. That osprey is still hunting - Now outside with breakfast: smoky Costa Rican coffee, charred brussels sprouts, crabmeat sandwich, as a thunderstorm sweeps in from the west and south across the Bay in front of me, close lightning flickering our condo lights and driving rain graying out the full 180° scape. Busy day ahead as the r...