D&B at 7H by Sea
Good, tasty coffee, once in a decade treat with two teaspoons dark maple syrup, splash of half-and-half here in 7H by Sea as lightning flashes heavily over the Gulf of Mexico. I went out on the porch to experience creation first hand, but doesn’t appear to have rained, as my socks aren’t wet.
But I don’t see my flashing green light.
TJCC landed safely in USA yesterday just as the serving line opened for the fish fry that concludes the annual June fishing tournament for HNES. Fish freshest, fried, I liked that this year they gave each person a little basket piled with piping hot deliciousness instead of self-serve.
SS this morning, summer sessions whether anyone comes or not, as I don’t like wasting 0900 to 1030. What? First and Second Kings v. Luke 7 because I like Bible stories. Maybe Galatians another time, Paul raging that his faithful are being deceived and falling away.
Blitzen seems to have stopped. But no, there’s the slightest rumble of Donner. Donder?
Happy Sunday to all, and to all a good morning.