Now okay, so whilst (nice twist on our American word while) one may be nonplussed by the new denizens, who can truly be surprised, they’re only doing what The WH Man promised, though with speed we’re unaccustomed to coming out of government, shoot from the hip instead of studying to death before never getting round to action. I’m not that ongoingly trivial and nitpickety as make an issue of the WH Holocaust statement for addressing all victims without saying Jews. 

Some folks are disappointed to get up in the morning and find nothing to be offended about, so root round and find something, I’m not there. And though Shoah was against the Jews, millions of others also were in fact murdered, and not by Germans alone persecuting, but also by Poles, Russians, European antisemitism then, and now rising again; and anamnesis our American slave era still winding down, we WASP Americans against African-Amereicans, Catholics, yes Jews, Irish,  Indians, Latins, currently all those plus now Muslims; and also anamnesis My Lai that so disillusioned me we’re not at all special after all, Americans are just, tragically, humans too. It is not good to be under illusions, delusional: my father liked to say something about “people in glass houses” and another about “sweeping around my own back doorstep before.” Jesus had it something about a log in my own eye before the speck in my neighbor’s eye, IDK. At any event, the problem is not them, they are not the problem.     

The problem is us, humanity, or rather inhumanity, Pogo again, “We have met the enemy and he is us” such that whoever is politically unhappy needs to point not at The WH Man but at his/her neighbor who voted him into office, or him/herself if she/he did not vote at all. We are only getting what the American people said we want. It’s a free country, a democracy, and we’re getting what we ordered, bon appetit. There is another election in two years, another in four, another in six, and another in eight.

Not bitter, not at all bitter, just watching.