Thur Eve Fri Morn
47°F and 67%, wind 8mph but still on 7H porch so must be a north wind. Monday morning early was dreadful along the Bay, so windy we had to head inland where just a block off the open water the houses and trees cut the fierce wind. Even so, just a few blocks along the bayshore so took the breath away that walking continued difficult and a relief to see the car parked by Holy Pavilion.
Walking mornings regardless, Monday Friday in the Cove, TuWThSaSu here in StAndrews.
Robert and I are starting later today, Friday is breakfast morning and a bit later start will give us more restaurant options than the Bayou cafes Massalina and Johnson, though enjoy both, want a change. Maybe icy cold glass of milk at Golden Corral?
Laurus at between 2/3 and 3/4 the Holy Fool interrupted yesterday by arrival in the mail of can’t-put-down The Sunflower. What's bothering, stirring? IDK at 81,
Therefore ongoing various reading; daily various walk, some to visit and remember, some to look round alone, none to think, thinking is not good news, ανεὐαγγελίον, is that a word - with a dictionary I can fabricate my own German string-word, is that legitimate in koine Greek? nope, doesn’t work in my online translator, but I get it, you don’t need to.
DThos+ into Stoppage Time