just Wednesday

This time of year the moon swings over the top of our building instead of over the Bay in front of us, so from 7H we can’t see the trifecta, an interesting use of a word that applies to betting on a horserace. If we miss it, there’ll be another in December 2028. Obvious to me, instead of “exercise, exercise” the State of Hawaii needs to adopt standard Navy language that is clear and unmistakable, “Now, this is a drill, this is a drill,” it don’t git no plainer’n nat. The goofus who pushed the "incoming" button this time has made the same mistake several times before. He has been fired, as someone famously said, “Well, duh.” Not commenting on political matters this morning except to say that nobody has unified me yet, I’m as divisive and divided as ever. Gimme a break, gimme an alphabet break. Touching my heart this morning, and for sure the heart of God - - wrestling competition at Arnold High School: “I’m gonna let him pin me.” Will you seek and serve Chris...