and early to rise

To bed too early due to ongoing exhaustion from previous day activity, so up way too early, eleven o'clock p.m. and with a mug of black and thin slice of raspberry Kringle from something bakery in Wisconsin. They are among the most organized, timely and reliable places I've ever ordered online, and their Kringles, billed as Danish pastry, among the most appealing holiday sweet treats from a commercial source instead of memories of mama's kitchen. 

Another is Eilenberger for their Texas pecan cake and Texas pecan fruitcake. They arrive innocent, but quickly fall into sin when soaked first round with Canadian Club and then liberally with Southern Comfort. Up at this hour though, I'm not going there, just the coffee and thin slice of Kringle.

As anyone who knows me well will attest, I know nothing, and +Time is never a political blog (never a religious or spiritual blog either no matter how readers take it, it's impurely personal), yet it seems to me that justice ought to be justice and not in your face politics of division and hatred. Just so, the constitutional impeachment process should reflect what reasonable persons can agree is "high crimes and misdemeanors". As it is, the current event has done naught but ensure doubling down and jeering reelection in November 2020. 

The evident lack of unity among the Blues is reminiscent not only of the Christianity that Constantine inherited, but of divisions within Protestant Christianity, and Lake Wobegon's dead certain Last Remnant of the One True Church - - where even among that pathetic gathering of certitude, one member snatches the Communion bread from another, shouting "You ain't in communion". God help us, but ever since kicking us out of the Garden, a resigned God leaves us to the devices and desires of our own hearts; where, not merely lost sheep, we are dogs eating our own vomit. And you should pardon the expression. 

Back hopefully to bed.

All I want for Christmas is Breaking News.