NT Apocrypha


the +Time blog started out more than ten years ago as a medium, following on CaringBridge, for keeping interested friends and loved ones up to date on my heart adventure. the heart is fine as frog's hair and no longer bothers me, I've grown used to the out-of-breath-ness, don't push it, watch the ankles for CHF, gulp furo-forty as needed on days when there's no out of house schedule, check the bp on mornings when it takes a dive after breakfast, and the +Time blog has crawled inside its shell like a hermit crab waiting for the threat to pass, it's for me, no longer for you

exercising defiance this morning, instead of a yogurt lollipop, breakfast was a can of boiled oysters on a toasted hamburger bug, spread of mayo, shake of salt, twist of the pepper-mill, shake of Old Bay seasoning, Louisiana Hot Sauce poured over each bite. for a buck something you get 26 or 27 oysters that make a tasty sandwich. yep, I'll be sorry when I step on the scale this evening and tomorrow morning, but so? 

thinking about my bucket list. I don't have one. well, maybe - - 1 train trip to Broad Bay Ma/Me where Andreas Wäller and family immigrated from Germany in the 1700s and lived and worked and died, or is it truthfully the lobster and clams? 2 finally gave up and subscribed to The New Yorker and as expected can't keep up with reading it, plus the Fiction short story pieces are noir, dark and depressing, but WTH did I expect? it's no longer The New Yorker magazine I used to buy at the magazine stand in Washington National Airport for reading on my flight to California, now seems to have gone off scared and totally PC, but the cartoons are still good, as is Tables for Two. 3 hold my breath to get by my sense of smell, and bite into the limburger cheese with thick slice Vidalia onion on dark German rye bread sandwich, I love strong cheeses but limburger has been my Waterloo, I'll try one more time, if I love it as hoped, great, if not I'll drop it down the garbage chute and David can again wonder WTH have they been eating up in 7H. well, in The New Yorker, I did enjoy the recent article on disgusting foods.

what am I doing up here in 7H this week with nothing on the calendar? enjoying the Infancy Gospel of Thomas in prep for Sunday School, trying to find some credible art to go with it. also scanning the OT Apocrypha for an interesting book we've not read and contemplated in SS. we've done Bel and the Dragon several times, but it's always a good starter. Ecclesiasticus or The Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach is another enticement. trying to keep my promise to stray off track and away from the beaten path this summer. 

what might I most like to do? drive up to Chipley and board Amtrak for Tucson and points west. but they made the most of Hurricane Michael or Ivan and cancelled the Sunset Limited leg from Jacksonville to New Orleans, and I'm not about to drive to New Orleans just to get on a train. nor to Jacksonville to head north to Maine. it's the trip as much as the destination, maybe more so. maybe I just want a train ride? for lunch, Alaskan cod, I think we're going to pan fry it after rolling it in Japanese breadcrumbs.

what did I really want to ramble about this morning? not saying, but maybe soon.