for now
For the hundred or so folks who've been reading my +Time blog from day to day, I'm letting be known that I'm taking a break, so don't be looking for it! Yesterday, and Tuesday of this week, and again this morning, I brought on a major goof up that is giving me second thoughts about myself and my alertness. I've not worked out what I did wrong, but here's what happened:
All three days I wrote lengthy blogposts that I was satisfied with and either posted or was "fixin' to post". Then in process of editing, or adding a picture, and updating, I did something that caused Blogger (the host) to delete most, half or two-thirds or more, of the blogpost I'd just finished working on for an hour or two. To have this happen three days in a row is so discouraging that I'm going to let it go for a while. It'll be further to my 2023 Lenten discipline, eh?
My thought for the moment is that instead of the almost daily blogpost, I'll simply stick to keeping my promise to post my sermons on +Time and a link on Facebook. The next ones are Palm Sunday, and then Good Friday.
Along with it, I have in mind a recent essay in either The Atlantic or The New Yorker, to the effect that we use up an awful lot of our Time of Life with social media sites Facebook, Linked In, Snapchat, Twitter, &c, all of which have come round to using algorithms that feed us what they want us to see instead of what we want to see anyway, and the sooner the social media sites collapse the better!
Anyway breakfast of hot & black coffee and an ahi tuna sandwich, and so long for now!
image, from NASA's JWST, a smidgen of the Universe