Tue 2 Jan 2024
Sermonizing, I should be sermonizing instead of daydreaming: the preaching schedule has me in the pulpit next Sunday, so I should be sermonizing, but as a late priest colleague once said, "Don't should on me," don't load me up with shoulds and oughts, and for sure don't do it to myself. So, confined to the house because it's a FuroEighty day, to, hopefully, get my right leg/ankle/foot down to about the same size as the left, here goes the winter day that's on calendar as 2 Jan 2024.
Wintry for us: dark pre-dawn, the HVAC thermostat reads 36°F for the compressor on the rooftop, wind North 9 mph, TV man says the wind factor is 29°F. So, I'd be staying inside today anyway.
Mug of hot & black. My habit is to keep sipping as it cools down, trying to finish "Before the coffee gets cold" as the book title reads, but this is my new electronic coffee mug: the last sip is the identical same sipping hot temp as the first sip, not the cooling off at all, which surprises me again with every sip. It would have been a good mug to take into Toshikazu Kawaguchi's coffee shop, nomesane?
What would I change? I have so many roads diverging in the yellow wood, and the rules are so confining, and this end of life is so peaceful and satisfactory that I don't know, I really don't know. I would say thinking about it is a waste of Time anyway except that dreams are never a waste of Time, at least not my dreams, daydreams. Things I should have said or done, calls I should have made, apologies I should have offered - - but didn't. Failed to do. Are they worth visits to the past, traveling back in Time?
Sure, I guess maybe so. One of the rules is that nothing would change about the present, but the story is that the future might be influenced: maybe I'd feel better about myself?
Might I, traveling back in Time, make someone else's life better? There's an article online this morning about doing things not to improve myself, but to improve the world, make life better for others, for someone else.
Maybe I don't need Time travel to do that?
Michigan - Washington. Go Blue, may Harbaugh accomplish what he came for, and, having done it, may he stay in CFB instead of leaving to return to the NFL. Is that important?
Actually, not very, eh?