Caesar's Coin

Matthew 22:15-22
King James Version (KJV)
 15Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk.
 16And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou regardest not the person of men.
 17Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?
 18But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?
 19Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny.
 20And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?
 21They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
 22When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way.
Some will remember the attacks on his Roman Catholicism when John F. Kennedy ran for President in 1960, charges that the Pope would become a major power in American politics. Others may recall early in the 1968 campaign when George Romney was a contender for the Republican nomination, his opponents stirring in that he was a Mormon. During the 2008 campaign, much was made of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Now, predictably, as the 2012 campaign gathers steam, contenders will scratch desperately to blemish each other. We are hearing that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. 
In my vocation, I have known and worked with Mormons, including folks in elected public office. Not to overly generalize, but my observation and experience has invariably seen them at the pinnacle for patriotism, love of country, devotion to family, neighbor and God, and service to community. 
At the bottom of the political and religious barrel are those who piously make great show of their own “faith” and trash the religion of others. Jesus encounters them as Pharisees.