Green Is Not Decaf

Green is not decaf.
Thursday afternoon we had coffee and a bite of pumpkin nutbread -- not a habit, the coffee habit is morning only, but just a from time to time occasion. My coffee is always and invariably decaf anymore. My last cup of regular was after the post-surgery fibrillation event, when the surgeon told me to drink only decaf and even that not for a month.
My usual lights out is about nine o’clock, but this morning at one o’clock the eyelids still wouldn’t  close. The light was on: Linda lying here reading a Diana Gabaldon novel. 
Another light came on. The total  awake feeling was familiar, from of old. That afternoon cuppa was not my usual from my magic coffee machine, it was a Keurig cup. 

"What color was the label?"

"Green. Isn’t green decaf?"

"No, orange is decaf, green is regular."
Finally asleep at one-thirty, awake at seven-twenty.
Labels signify.