
Today is special. Well, just this instant got more special. Still dark outside. Three black & whites zipped by the house and screeching up down front, cops jump out and with flashlights surround and inspecting a vehicle in the park area down front at the foot of Calhoun Avenue on the Bay. So dark I had no idea that car was there, but it’s not all that unusual even though the sign says no parking after dark. People out of car now, male and female voice laughing, giggling. Guess they got caught. At what? Whatever. Honey, does yo’ daddy know where you at? One cop car leaves. Lots of talking. Third B&W returns. Loud but not angry conversation. If I had my ears in I could understand what they’re saying, the back and forth. But I don’t need to hear it, do I. Woops, now a tow truck rolls up, one B&W moves so the tow truck can get down to the parked car. 

One B&W left now.

Still dark but the sky is blue black instead of jet black. Lots of early morning walkers rushing by, a great and safe place for it.

Special day? Once a year Italian Night tonight, scrumptious meal prepared by dear friends and enjoyed with dear friends. 

Thursday. Pax.

There goes the tow truck with a white Chevrolet Avalanche pickup. Nobody I know.

Late post. Bay flat, no wind. Reveille from Tyndall AFB across the Bay.