still dark Monday morning


Not so much anymore, for some years we had a glass of wine early evenings, mine a dry red, heavy, strong, not a light wine. May be the aging, but seems like even one glass gets quickly to my balance these days, so a glass of wine only now and then, before or with a heavier meal. Fathers Day is coming up, for example, and my thinking is, God willing (and we all know what that means) a glass of red with a steak that I grill rare. I'm thinking to grill it outside on 7H porch so I don't smoke up the condo and set off the alarm. With it? IDK, maybe broccoli with cheese? Or a baked potato? IDK, we'll see. Maybe. Whatever, nomesane?

The other thing is the martini after church on Sundays. I like a gin martini so I can taste it, not a vodka martini, which is like subtly alcoholized ice water, though sometimes I mix half gin and half vodka, using a potato vodka from Poland. As for gin, I have maybe a half dozen bottles of different gins, all decent for the martini. I like it "dirty" with a splash of olive brine, and I usually use two olives, one for me, one for Linda. Linda doesn't care for a martini, her closest is one martini-soaked olive on Sunday, unless I use anchovy-stuffed olives. 

Why'm I going down this road? Yesterday I was out of dry vermouth for the martini, so googled and found that dry sherry is a fine substitute, and it was. The gin was The Botanist, which I hesitated profaning with dry sherry, but it worked okay, noticeably different, I didn't fool myself, but it worked. Seemed a bit softer and smoother than a martini with vermouth, but if I do it again I'll use a Chevrolet gin instead of my BMW gin. If I'm using The Botanist gin, it's fine just to have the empty vermouth bottle around, nomesane?

Monday morning, starting the day with my phone warning me that a flood warning is about to go into effect for our area, and last into Wednesday. But my weather map doesn't even show rain moving our way, so IDK. 

Checking the war news, IDK about that either. My view, if a nation attacks, invades, bombards as Russia has Ukraine, your mission is not simply to push the enemy out of your territory, but to destroy the enemy's ability to make war, and further, proceed to wipe the enemy out of existence, scorched earth total annihilation unto unconditional surrender, the enemy begging you to accept unconditional surrender instead of continuing to prosecute the war. That's what this has come to. And yet, from OUR point of view, so far, it's contained and not yet nuclear. But a purely defensive war makes no sense whatever. If you start a war, you should be left in nothing but rubble, regretting it for decades and generations to come.

The problem is that we have wars not because of populations, and not because people hate each other, but because all government is always, all ways, all bad. 

Speaking of. I'm often a few weeks or a month out of date with my news, but this morning I noticed, so clicked and read a couple of news articles about advisories being issued warning Black and LGBTQ people to avoid Florida. As a born and bred Florida native, I don't agree with that. We are friendly, courteous, kind people. Don't judge us by the idiots we elect to office and we won't judge you by who you elect president; some of the absolute worst ones have term limits and will soon be history; if not soon enough, nevertheless. You can tell they are getting panicked about it. What does a governor who's run out of terms do? He runs for president and, failing that, runs for the senate. Failing that because the former governors who are already senators won't step aside, he tries for vice president if he hasn't burned his bridges. IDK and, truth told, I really don't give a rat's axe. 

My obsession? Not politics and not social issues. As I stand on 7H porch looking south and up, there's too much out there to be concerned with things of this earth; and there are already enough people obsessed with earthly issues anyway. I'm fascinated with this theory that universes begin as matter is swallowed into a black hole, condensed into an infinitesimally tiny, infinitely heavy point, and spit out the other side of the black hole as the Big Bang of yet another universe. And with the notion that Time and beginnings and endings of such process is beyond human imagining. And with my view that if this process is too much for you to venture into as part of Seeking The Truth, then your God is too small.