fire of the Holy Spirit

Life is filled with all manner of challenges, isn’t it. From here in 7H on the Florida Gulf Coast, I keep an eye on an osprey nest in Boulder County Fairgrounds at Longmont, Colorado, where a mother and father osprey are carefully tending two hatchlings, feeding them bits of freshly caught trout from the adjacent pond. Come to notice, the life of a fish is challenging too: sometimes the fish are still flopping as the osprey clutches and tears bites from them. Dawning here but it's still dark in Colorado, so I’ve not checked their nest this morning, but there’s one egg remaining, and being kept warm. However, a blizzard some weeks ago filled the nest with snow, and freezing temperatures down in the teens for way too long. Two eggs were lost, and I don’t know whether this last egg is viable. Other challenges, fighting off birds who swoop and attack. Owls and other predators who eat baby birds. Challenge in 7H. Linda is frustrated morning after morning going out onto the ...