Birthday suggestion

Good morning, it's Friday the 29th, 77° 84% and sunny. Several boats out fishing in the Pass and ship channel, I'm no fisherman, what are they out there for, redfish, Spanish mackerel, bluefish, IDK. Growing up in the seafood business, cleaning and wrapping fish in a fish market from age 9 to 17, six days a week summers, Saturdays the school year, I had no interest in catching them too. Somewhat regretful now, but not very.

Caught that shot looking north from sidewalk outside 7H at sunset last evening.

Always browsing, always finding a car I want, the last one was a white Cadillac XLR with about 44,000 miles. This morning it's a 1983 BMW 320i with 5-speed stick and about 66,000 miles that

I could hitchhike downstate, pick it up and drive it back to PC. If anyone's interested, I have a birthday coming up in September. No, really, you wouldn't even have to be bothered getting it to me.

With downtown Minneapolis on fire I'm reminded of looking across the Potomac River from Arlington at flames leaping high, Washington DC burning in the rioting after the assassination of Dr. King. Fury is intense and violent, and people have no other way effectively to vent rage in protesting unmitigated evil. Burn, burn.

Institutional evil, in fact, is why we have the Second Amendment as the People's last resort. And after all, burning cities is far short of resorting to bullets; and ropes, as white Americans have done. So, suck it up.

Friday in an online newspaper, I saw a headline reading "No Justice, No Peace" and I subscribe to that. Simple moral outrage is useless, worthless,

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, and I have things to do.

Busy StAndrewsBay off 7H this morning. That's Guadalupe, arriving from Progreso.