
Shelter in Place several weeks now. My attitude has been plus, enjoy being at home in a place I love. Just me and Linda up here. If you've been to 7H, you know how it is: lovely, quiet, peaceful. No outside sounds unless a door's open or we're on the porch. Birds, raucous gulls. Pelicans gliding east in the morning, west as the sun sets. Osprey couple flirting, circling, diving for fish in front of us, sometimes perching on the scaffolding out of reach, eyeing us cautiously before flying off again. Families on the beach below, children splashing in the water, rollerblading on the boardwalk in Oaks By the Bay Park next door. Fishermen wading out almost to the shipping channel to cast, our concern for them being sharks we occasionally see in the shallows. HV residents out kite sailing and windsurfing, zipping back and forth for hours. Boats on the Bay, the occasional ship moving to and from the Port, above: Enviva Line's Bunun Kalon 568'x98' arriving to load wood pellets to fuel the power plant at Studstrup, Denmark. Two weeks ago a concert on the Green, bring your chair out on the walkway to listen and watch from level seven high. Yesterday down to the community room to be tested for Covid19, negative. Life Is Good.

Grocery shopper from Publix signals us to open the gate, disappears into the garage, emerges from the elevator with a loaded trolley, wheels it to our door, gingerly reaches out to accept her tip, smiles, waves and gone. We're chomping Publix fried chicken before her elevator reaches the ground floor.

No touching. How will it become? A doctor voiced the hope this will end human's filthy custom of handshaking forever, what d'you think? "God's Peace!" as V for Victory signs are flashed around the sanctuary (nave). "The Body of Christ" as, maintaining safe distance, folks walk up the aisle to receive their wafer from conspicuously sanitized fingers: church reimagined and reimaged. 

The bread of heaven. Will you have wine with that? At the Lutheran seminary I attended there were two chalices: a sipping chalice and a pouring chalice. If you prefer the latter, take a tiny paper cup from the table as you come up the aisle 

and the eucharistic minister will pour a bit of wine into your cup as you hold it out.

Reimagining. Would you rather receive the wine that Protestant way, or not at all the Roman way?
