All Black and Blue

Tuesday may have been the autumnal equinox, but weatherly, autumn actually arrived a day late, with Wednesday morning's cool morning, cooler yesterday, and still pleasantly cool outside right now Friday morning, September 24. 

Something I read said people were wanting a refund on Summer 2021, I don't agree, 2021 has not been too bad. "Not too bad" as a friend of mine once told his wife when she asked how was the supper she'd prepared. "How was it?" "Not too bad", he replied. "It wasn't SUPPOSED to be", she came back testily. 

Summer 2021? Not too bad. It's over and done, a bit too warm for even my Florida nature, but I'll take it. On the other hand, I definitely would like a refund on 2020 if anybody knows where to get either your money back or a year's extension on my lifetime subscription. I'll take the cash.

It's pleasant outdoors right now, 61F, 83%, wind NNE 7 mph, "Welcome, happy morning!" cup of black shall say, "Clear" says the weather app on my phone, and that it's going to be clear and sunny all next week, high in the mid-80s, and here's the National Hurricane Center's current take on HSam. 

I'll take it, I like the curve, but I no longer eagerly anticipate October, our northern Gulf Coast time when things are not unlikely to go off nasty as tropical innocence stirs in the Caribbean or southern Gulf of Mexico. Sometimes I wish we'd bought that condo in Highlands, NC back when the time was right: 

the summers were nice, the mountain trout were almost as good as our Bay mullet, and the shopping was at Stone Lantern. 

For many reasons I'm glad that didn't happen, including that Ralph DeVille is dead and Stone Lantern was liquidated and closed. It could hardly have continued without Ralph's magic. In those days, years, going to Highlands was like being whisked into Narnia.

Where was I? I like the psalm appointed for Sunday:

Psalm 124 

Nisi quia Dominus

If the Lord had not been on our side, *
let Israel now say;

2 If the Lord had not been on our side, *
when enemies rose up against us;

3 Then would they have swallowed us up alive *
in their fierce anger toward us;

4 Then would the waters have overwhelmed us *
and the torrent gone over us;

5 Then would the raging waters *
have gone right over us.

6 Blessed be the Lord! *
he has not given us over to be a prey for their teeth.

7 We have escaped like a bird from the snare of the fowler; *
the snare is broken, and we have escaped.

8 Our help is in the Name of the Lord, *
the maker of heaven and earth.

At this age there's the morning anxiety.


and, okay yes, answering the challenge to me at the party last evening, All Lives Matter - -

especially beloved daughters, and sons,

Afghans who trusted us,

Haitians at home & under the bridge,

all colors of B: BLM & BLM, and

Everyone who lives in fear.


All black and blue.

All, Black, and Blue

