Wednesday wramble


People are funny, aren't we, strange, irrational, at least we don't make no sense to me. I'm thinking of our sense of morality, right and wrong, good and bad. Or maybe instead of moral concerns, it's more about our wish for control, consolidating legal power to tell others what to do and exclude them.

Texas, for example. I'm not getting off into politics here, red v blue, I'm just watching, looking, noticing, and working it out so it makes sense to me. Couple things at the moment. 

In Texas they now have a law that prohibits abortion after six weeks. Okay, I'm beyond that being a factor in my own life, so I'm just watching. I get the moral issue: some people abhor abortion as killing innocents, and they not only don't want to have abortions themselves, they want to prevent anyone else getting an abortion either, and move to stop abortions.

From a "Choice" point of view it abridges personal freedom; from a "Life" point of view it protects the innocent unborn. Two disagreeing sides.

Unirregardless, it means of course that there'll be population growth in some categories of people, notably ethnic minorities whom the "controllers" do not like: with no abortions, there'll be more and more minorities. 

They also have a new law in Texas that makes it tough, tough, tougher for people to vote, a law specifically aimed at minorities. On a pragmatic l level I understand this too: minorities are growing to outnumber Whites, so could soon control the ballot in a democratic society. Can't allow that to happen. 

Why do the "controllers" want to prohibit abortion of minorities and so grow a larger minority population, yet don't want minorities to be able to vote? It don't make no alphabet sense to me on the surface. 

There's more. The "controllers" also complain about supporting these expanding minorities, they don't want to pay the taxes and have the welfare programs to help minorities have decent life even as children: food, shelter, medical & dental care, education &c. They call welfare programs "socialism", which is actually a b.s. bugaboo in a society that has a postal service, paved roads, highways, fire departments, a huge standing military force in peacetime, social security, medicare, public parks, civil service, pork barrel projects in every budget, ... 

I'm not getting it. 

Brings to mind something I remember hearing a Navy captain say: he had just bought a new Buick convertible (this was back in the 1960s, about 1967, and I had a ride in his new car, along with another Navy officer. The other officer asked the captain, "Is it air conditioned?" The captain said, "No, it's not air conditioned: an air conditioned convertible? That don't make no goddamn sense!" I feel the same way about what I'm going to term Texas Reason: make sure the minority population will grow, but don't feed & clothe them, and make sure they can't vote? ThatDMNGDSense!

Or maybe it does. Maybe Texans want the minorities, Blacks, Hispanics, Indians, to grow in population so there's plenty of cheap labor. Not to mention the standard human desire to have a "class" of people to feel better than, and to have someone to bully and look down on.

Maybe it also fills the bill if we should go to war again and Texas needs a draft pool.

IDK. But I do recognize self-righteousness when I see it. It's really compartmented though, nomesane?

Pretty much the same folks who think Jesus came to die for their sins so that God can declare them clean and let them into Heaven.

A God who can't just do as He pleases and forgive without the blood sacrifice that some humans think has to happen to pay? God with a human sense of justice instead of divine Grace. 

God whom I believe-in can let us in because He wants to. If indeed He does want to? There's a new question, which brings to mind yet another conversation (which I read, I did not make up). 

The council of gods are meeting in heaven (this is the same council we read about who convene twice in the story of Job). The Supreme God calls the meeting to order with prayer, and announces that He has just created humans, pretty much in the godly image. 

Satan raises his hand. "Excellency, WHY?"