the day after


Cool, cloudy, wind from the northeast at 11 mph, water sounds from the Bay seven floors below 7H porch. Tomorrow a hundred percent chance of rain thanks, evidently, to TS Nicole sweeping up the state. 

Munching the last banana muffin with my mug of hot & black, not my club coffee, which is all gone and yesterday's email brought glad tidings that the next bag is on the way: this is a cover-the-gap New England breakfast blend bought 2-fer at Publix the other day when I went to buy milk. 

Remembering a favorite weekly radio program from the 1940s, "It Pays To Be Ignorant" I stayed clear of television during the political campaign and now I'm trying to steer clear of election news from yesterday's Election Day. Having grown up in what seemed the world's greatest nation with the most solid and stable government of, by, and for the people (a definition of democracy) the heartbreaker to me is seeing how vulnerable it all is, because it all stands, not on constitution and law, but simply on trust and confidence (which is in fact a scriptural definition of Faith - Hebrews 11:1), the people's confidence that it works, and with that confidence it did work beautifully for two and a half centuries. 

Lessons of human history warn that nothing lasts forever, that if it's not cared for it too soon starts going bad. Like my old car that I've enjoyed: tending to it like mad to keep it running proper, correcting little things that show up. With America, one evil element stirring hatred and mistrust already latent in a low segment of society, spreads not only unchecked but goaded, confidence in the system goes bad, and the whole experiment, based on trust and confidence alone, begins to collapse. My grandfathers would not have believed this could happen in such a rock solid country. I'm so sad about it, but glad to have had my life when I did even with my Southern upbringing.

The Day After. And yet there are surprises and some good news this morning. 


Still dark, 5:40 and sunrise at 6:02. Standard Time or Daylight Savings Time? It doesn't matter. Time, that means nothing in the vastness of an expanding Universe with light going in all directions from trillions of points, is a construct of human noticing and imagining, and we ourselves are a temporary minor event either of accident or Word, immeasurably distant from any Center.

My own cold manifestation has stirred back up in sinus congestion. Back to CVS.