Friday the Twenty-Third


And a happy morning, Fri Jun 23 6:09 AM at the moment. Except for a high and wide dark cloud to the southwest of 7H, a clear sky when I went out to survey my domain at five o'clock, then a burst of heavy rain, then clearing, now 77°F 100% humidity, wind SW 4 mph. In the 10 day forecast, today is 90% rain, but maybe that was it? 

It did serve to wash our living room windows clean and clear. 

Early with hot & black, a cracker with liver pate. Breakfast later maybe shrimp. No, I think oysters - - if you think inflation is history think again: the 16 ounce pints of oysters are now 12 ounce New Pints, I suppose the New Pint like the 12 ounce New Pounds of coffee and bacon we've been dealing with for years. If you want a full pound bag of coffee, go to Aldi and buy a 500 gram package of coffee from Germany, it's real, just over an Old Pound, not make believe, not a magic vanishing act of New Marketing.

Speaking of which, paper for my copier now comes in the new and improved New Ream of 400 sheets. 

It will be 1984 before you know it. 

For afternoon dinner, we try to make two o'clock our sit-down Time, maybe surf & turf with salmon and the last from the package of ribeye steaks bought for Fathers Day. In my struggle with CHF, a FuroSixty Day will keep me home while Linda goes to Target to shop for Malinda's birthday, which is Sunday: 2023 - 1958 = 65. 

And our wedding anniversary is next Thursday, 2023 - 1957 = 66. Somewhere to go, Something to buy or eat. All in all, Life is Fun and Good, tentatively including all that whirls in my mind. Still, from The Far Side, this unsettling cartoon that I've printed here before. Am I going to heaven? IDK. I never knew anything Fun and Good about the "When and where will the two trains meet?" problems, it moves math from an academic discipline to a religion: if you can't do the math, you can go to hell.   

Unlike yesterday when I somewhat caught up on reading printed matter, this morning's reading was online, interesting on a captivating commercial to attract investment in industrial development in Morocco, 

so I checked the country out on Wikipedia. Tempering under the current king, but a powerful monarchy in an Islamic kingdom where they are trying to overcome what has been the worst human rights record in the world. Send your money if you like, or go as a tourist - - what comes to mind of course is Humphrey Bogart in "Casablanca" - - but you probably don't want to settle there. At least, maybe not yet. Yes, the hour is coming and now is, or for sure, for damn sure, is fast at hand, when you will not want to live in what the United States is becoming; but me, at this age, I ain't going no-whurz. Life is Good, so Good here at 7H that I'm living it as the seaside stateroom of a love boat tied up at St Andrews Marina. I'll go ashore for oysters, but not for much else, nomesane?


War news, Ukraine standing in for us to wear Russia down in their determination to reconstruct the Soviet Union.


That submersible going down for a close up look at the Titanic, heard on what used to be called SOSUS as it was crushed in a fraction of a second last Sunday. At that depth, the implosion brought on by water pressure would have been too instantaneous for anyone aboard to have suffered physically or mentally/emotionally - - I suspect it was a death at sea far more merciful than waiting on the ocean bottom for the oxygen to be all breathed up and die gasping in asphyxiation and demanding your money back. $250,000 a pop. 
