bright future


We all have experiences and memories in life that make each of us unique humans, unlike anyone else on the planet, living, dead, or yet to Be. And so, from my perspective as one who, as a boy growing up in America, lived through the period of The Third Reich and its NSDAP era with the brown-shirt storm troopers beating up people on the streets, and eventually the Gestapo and Germany's expansive aggression and mind-boggling cruelty in warfare; and witnessed our discoveries about the Holocaust and its horrors - - these are things I recall that are part of what makes me who I am. You are different, you don't have the same things in your head, and so you don't necessarily understand how I'm feeling these days - - distressed beyond measure as I see and read about and hear about political upheavals going on in Western democracies where people don't have the past that I have. It's distress so keen, unto despair except for my being thankful that I lived when I did and will not experience the collapse of what I and my generation and the generations before me knew as America to be loved, almost deified. 

It isn't that people have forgotten, it's that people never knew, and now they are going to experience. I'm so glad to have Been when I Was. I'm so sad for you because of where you are taking things, and America; same with folks in other democracies that America tried so hard to export and share with the rest of the world. For a while, it even seemed that it was aborning in Russia. 

We don't have to agree, and indeed we do not agree. Our politics are so very different, even opposite. Our religion is totally different - - mine is neither better nor worse than yours, it's just that my Christian venture into Seek The Truth, Come Whence It May, Cost What It Will has taken me, moved me, to new places, discoveries, realizations. Politics-wise and patriotism-wise, I remember My Lai as a horrifying Epiphany and corrective: we were never what I thought we were. You and me, our points of reference are so different. We are not the same, our values are not even woven into the same fabric. Our hopes and expectations - - mine have collapsed and yours are winning, have won, will prevail. I am so sad for you. What comes to mind this morning after having read the WorldView piece below? Well, the song, "O Danny Boy,

The pipes, the pipes are calling ... it's you, it's you must go and I must bide." 

Where I have been was brighter than anything you will ever know. 


