Sixth Day

Monday, 30 December 2024 is the Sixth Day of Christmas, and this early, dark predawn when I might have been blogging or still sleeping, I spent an hour fiddling with my "few appropriate remarks" for next Sunday. Priests don't just stand up and start spouting off, and at this age in life it takes me more Time than ever to assemble something to say that I won't be embarrassed about as I step down from the pulpit.

One of the things I'm learning in this advancing AI chapter of the Electronic Age is that Artificial Intelligence is a "Christian." I've been doing Bible study so many years that I'm automatically alert to hints, prejudices, bias, in whatever I read. Just so, this morning when I Googled something about Moses, here's what came up:

AI Overview

In the Bible, Moses prophesied about Jesus in Deuteronomy 18:15, which states, “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him”. 

This prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus Christ, who was a prophet like Moses in many ways: 

  • Raised up by God: Jesus was raised up by God, just as Moses was.
  • Came from among the Israelites: Jesus came from among the Israelites, just as Moses was.
  • Spoke God's words: Jesus spoke God's words with authority, just as Moses did.
  • Performed signs and wonders: Jesus performed signs and wonders to validate His prophetic ministry, just as Moses did.

The apostle Peter also showed that this prophecy was fulfilled in Christ in Acts 3:22, 23.”

The Christian bias in that is so blatant as for me to observe cynically that AI is either a baptized Christian, probably born again and as sure for heaven as if it were already there, or, more likely, AI knows more about me than I realized, and I need to tread cautiously. AI may be gathering info about me through my cell phone that's here on the table, or through my online searchings and postings, eh?


I do want to say this about the Sixth Day of Christmas in that song, then go on to what's in my mind about last evening's news. AI again:

AI Overview

The sixth day of Christmas is celebrated in a number of ways, including:

  • Feast of St. Egwin of Worcester
    St. Egwin was the Bishop of Worcester and a protector of orphans and widows. He died on December 30, 717. 
  • Feast of the Holy Family
    This feast celebrates Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. The term "Holy Family" was first used around 1440, but didn't become common until the 17th century. Before then, the family was known as the "earthly Trinity". 
  • The number six and the six days of creation 
  • The number six in the song "The 12 Days of Christmas" represents the six days of creation. Eggs are a symbol of new life. 
  • Celebrating creation
  • You can celebrate creation by reading the creation story in the Book of Genesis, going for a nature walk, or spending time outside with your family. 

In fact, Saint Egwin, whom I never heard of, is not in our Episcopal calendar of saints' days, nor is he in the Roman Catholic calendar of saints' days, nor is he even in the Church of England's calendar of saints' days. Maybe he's in a special calendar of the Diocese of Worcester, eh? Poor Egwin, he's gone the way of obscure oblivion like the rest of us. Presumably, a saint though, he's finished his Time in purgatory and is feasting with the saints and angels. I have no idea where AI came up with St Egwin, but I'll pass on satisfying my curiosity and not research it further.


What's on my mind, briefly, is the life and death of President Jimmy Carter. A small town Georgia peanut farmer, a happy, smart, godly, mild and humble man who could be the saint of all American presidents. I remember that he was a Naval officer like me. I remember that he was in Admiral Rickover's nuclear energy program, though I don't remember whether he served in a nuclear submarine. I do remember that he always mispronounced nuclear as "noo-kyoo-ler." I remember what a great team Jimmy and Rosalyn were. 

I remember their daughter Amy, an adorable ginger growing up! I remember his saintly mother Miss Lillian, whom we grew to know and love while Jimmy was in the White House. I remember Jimmy's involvement in the Middle East, with Yasser Arafat, President Sadat, and the head of the Israeli government. I remember Jimmy Carter's deep disappointment when he lost his bid for a second term as president. I remember when his brother introduced Billy Beer and I remember drinking a can of it, maybe several Times. I remember that he was so active in Habitat for Humanity, and I remember that he taught Sunday school and Bible study in his Baptist Church all his life.

I remember with regret that I never voted for him, I voted for the other guy both times. I would not do that again.

I remember the day at National Airport when I boarded a plane for Atlanta - - there was some brief delay and a flurry of activity and an air of secrecy - - then after takeoff and the seat belts sign went off, Jimmy Carter strolled down the aisle greeting each person on board the flight. 

I remember that when he came to me I shook his hand and said, "Good morning, Mr. President, how is your mother?" He looked surprised, broke into his huge smile, and said, "Why thank you for asking! She is just fine, she's getting along very well!"

America has changed, is changing. It is sad and most unlikely that we'll ever again see the like of President Jimmy Carter. He was unique, one of a kind. The world has lost a prime example of what a real man can be. I'm glad he lived during my Time.



did you ever eat a goose egg? I did once, it was large, rubbery and too mild, not tasty like a hen's egg or a duck egg