Happy Holidays!

There’s a car dealer ad on TV with children saying “It’s Jesuses birthday” and shouting “Happy Birthday, Jesus”and they delight my heart every time. The little kids are absolutely adorable and they look so happy, and they make me smile because their joy is contagious. 
On the other side of the street, there has developed this time of year a low mentality of taking offense when someone says

instead of “Merry Christmas” as though it’s unChristian or anti-Christian, even “satanic.” Happy Holidays is neither the Sign of the Beast nor the sinister codespeak of the anti-Christ, but some Christians like to take offense. Watching for an opportunity to be offended if someone wishes “Happy Holidays” is a sickness of the XNRT. 
WWJD? J and the early Christians never even heard of Christmas, which long after His time we converted from the pagan Winter festival Saturnalia; but if J were to, J would respond graciously and lovingly