Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray
At 9:15 a.m. tomorrow we begin our Sunday morning discipline that will go the five Sundays in Lent. Sunday School will broaden to become also our Inquirers Seminar for those who want to learn more about Christianity in the Episcopal Church, including those who are interested in being confirmed by the bishop when he visits us on May 13th.
Rather than starting with the scandalous and titillating tale of Henry the Eighth and the wives he courted, married and murdered, we shall learn how to figure out what Episcopalians believe. Not the catechism. Not the creeds. Not the thirty-nine articles of religion. Not the writings of a theologian. But simply by paying attention to what comes after the dialogue:
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Let us pray.
You can't do Anglican theology from the outside looking in. You have to be there.
See you!