
A rainy Saturday morning it is, Father Nature woke me at three o'clock but I defied him by having a cup of coffee then back to sleep until after seven o'clock. It's not nice to fool Mother Nature, but seems not to bother her old man.

What a nice weekend, not supplying, no sermon to prepare for tomorrow, only Sunday School, likely focusing on the lectionary for Proper 19. And Tuesday morning Bible Seminar: last week after introductions, discussion time was short, so we read through the Letter of James and then as we closed there was a suggestion of exploring alleged links between Jude and James. That's what we'll do Tuesday and it'll give us time to settle down into the class formation. Last time I'd prepared for 15, and 22 folks came, so the table was crowded for comfort. This week several will be traveling, and also the first class session always gives people the opportunity to decide whether this is for them.

It was crowded last time, but Frank rearranged the tables so everyone can be comfortable.

Anyway, Jude v. James for Tuesday, then on to a new Bible topic. It could be a resumption of the Gospel according to Mark, IDK. Hebrews maybe?

At the moment I'm in the peaceful aloneness of Mary Stuart Poole Library at the church while Linda does the flower arrangement for the Altar tomorrow morning, honoring my birthday. She's a gifted floral artist, it will be lovely.

What can the crotchety old man say on this, my last and final weekend as a septuagenarian? I took a selfie to post but what an ugly dog, gardenia lying camera, so never mind.

WTH, it's raining: I'll say this from my crotchety corner. The certitudinous "Christians" weeping for the Kentucky county clerk who won't issue marriage licenses would lynch her if she were Muslim claiming the same authority from the Koran. As someone wrote, America is not a theocracy, not even a Christian theocracy even though some would make it so: God save us from them. Remember the Alabama chief justice with the Ten Commandments who found out he was not above the Constitution and the law after all? A government official cannot cram his/her religion down people's throats, is obliged to obey the law, and like it or not, the law and the Constitution are whatever the U. S. Supreme Court says they are. Anyone too ignorant to know that has no business holding public office; but no way is she going to resign an $80,000 salary at the public trough. It's not about her anyway, it's about the people who elected her into the family dynasty.

So what else to grouse about? The Donald actually himself calling someone else ugly? God help us.

Well at least I'm not writing these things on Sunday.

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