Nonsense beyond eccentric into weird

5:09 AM. Up just over an hour. Reading, not writing. Thinking, not accomplishing. In two hours, “God willing” — GW invokes a force field, the shield against the Evil Eye, that roaming wickedness that lurks about watching for a victim to destroy, especially an Innocent or one who is not mindful, not cautious, one who is stepping on cracks, not knocking wood, not saying the protective formulae Wishing you long years, and God forbid, and yes, God willing — I will be walking instead of reading and thinking. Thinking what, about what? Since that day in October 2010 and the one in January 2011, I am ongoingly mindful of how much I have learned since then and am continuing to learn and am becoming aware of that, had my future gone differently into oblivion, I would never have done. So I’m grateful to life for the thinking I've been allowed after the cardio crew pronounced “two to five months.” I remember one telling me “two years after the onset of symptoms” and I could count back three or four years. Again leaving behind another October, I remember hearing that he could put in stents that would stop the angina and make me more comfortable for my time, but would not extend my life. Then suggesting I find an institute that would cut me open, take everything out and fix it, put it back in, and sew me up. All of this is part of my awareness every year from October 17th through January 24th. 


sign of autumn. 

So, five years on, reading, absorbing things I never knew, growing in knowledge, contemplating and increasing wisdom or folly. Reading what — this morning, Gary Gutting. Thinking what -- modern medicine once again stumped fate such that I thumb my nose at the Evil Eye.

μη γενοιτο.