skyline and azaleas

The picture's not clear, but no matter, it's from 7H, the skyline looking east. Doing life over, I'd never, never, ever have lived away from Panama City so many years, age 21 to 63, jiminy, what a loss, years that I can't get back. 

With no preconceived notion of topic, may I again this predawn risk drafting my morning muse straight on the blogger site instead of safely and securely as a word (pages) document for copy and paste when satisfied with it? 

The morning is cool, 12.5° says the meter on 7H porch outside, evidently having changed itself from F to centigrade overnight. Sorry, celsius, C. TGCC gave it to me years ago, and it's always totally reliable even if going off a bit odd from time to time. The chill and high winds ruined our azaleas a couple days ago, but I snapped a pic before they were hit

these are light pink, slightly sweet fragrance, that I first planted in our yard in the Cove as a boy after walking home from Cove School.

An hour ago the black sky over StAndrews Bay was pitch dark velvet black and drenched with stars, truly there's no extra room for it here, but now and then I do wish I had my telescope back. It was an equatorial mount refractor, about 3" lense, that I ordered to specification in 1965 when we lived in Japan. Served me many years dark overnights on the high ridge overlooking Tokyo Bay, often into the wee hours. Good memories. Through the military services library system during that early astronomy hobby I ordered and read every English language astronomy book in Japan. And looking back, still I know nothing. "Why are we here?" popped, pops, to mind every time gazing at a spiral galaxy lightyears distant and becoming more and more aware of the vastness beyond. The question is not answerable except perhaps on earth at Easter when the answer is Jesus loves me, this I know.

Bad ship pictures too, but it's time to go get bundled up to walk. Friday morning: walk and breakfast out.

DThos+ somewhere