not unhome

Total fog out, fog and 70°, it's the season and welcome, glad and happy here. This time last year was hurrication exile in Walton County, which is unhome. Bay County is home, StAndrewsBay is home, looking out on the foggy white Bay is home. Indeed is not all nor even the main, but one reason I no longer live in Harrisburg, 44° at the moment. No cat 5 hurricanes in Pennsylvania though. WashDC and Northern Virginia. Places near the heart. Do you remember ...

Trying to pick back up on Hebrew, this time with a book. And my practice with Exodus 3 and Genesis 1. Besides an imbecile IQ, my problem with Hebrew is that being able to sound the letters through to make a word is more difficult when the Hebrew has no vowel markings, then not knowing what the word means anyway, so have to go to an interlinear or look at the picture in an ad on Haaretz. A related problem with English pronunciation, works better if you speak the language and already know a word and in its context in order to pronounce its spelling. Read: I read every day. I read yesterday. Right Rite Write Wright. Working at it regardless is good mental exercise for one in my age group, which is 39 to 84. Exercise like writing a blogpost (did you actually think I write this rubbish for you to read?). Working, okay playing, solitaire games that are free online, Bubba's cheap, I don't pay to play. Prepping sermons and the study necessary competently to lead Sunday school class also work the brain. Even so I can't find my keys, I don't know where I parked my earphones before going to bed last night. And I cannot remember to turn my cellphone back on after church on Sundays, thus it never rings when you call, it's not that I don't want to talk with you.

But oh - - according to "recents" I had eleven crank calls yesterday. They don't ring though, because only "contact" calls ring. If even you call and are not on my contacts list, my phone doesn't ring. I'd love to chat with you, but leave a message.

On our walk last Friday morning, I took a picture of my childhood home, the house where I grew up. Looking good, although HMichael took down the trees in the front yard. Across the street, where used to be Massalina Bayou, is now just a criss-crossed mess of enormous hurricane toppled pine trees.