
Oh my goodness! Innocence ravaged, rubbished! No, seriously; from scanning various news sites online this morning, I decided to open Fox News for a change: it was like picking up one of those tabloids at the supermarket checkout line. OMG, what trash! Nope. A dumpster dive. Makes me feel the need for a scrub brush, a bar of grammaw's lye-soap, and a total immersion bath. Sensationalist garbage. Why? To create hatred, stir and ignite. What, a metaphor: Good Friday preaching that enrages "Christians" against Jews and incites them to storm out screaming "Christ killer" to murder innocent people - - a regular Good Friday nightmare that is indeed part of Christian history

The greatest sin is certitude, religious certainty, religious, moral, political, racial,

It works in all directions and goes round and round with revenge, like a hate-filled Hatfield-McCoy feud, a cycle of vengeance that knows no beginning or end and cannot be resolved

Israeli Jews trashing gravestones in a Christian cemetery in Jerusalem

Iraqi protesters storm Swedish embassy in Baghdad over Quran burning

Roman Catholic abbot protests and refuses request to tuck his cross away before visiting the Western Wall.

What in our nature drives us to self-righteous hate and war against neighbors who are different from us - - religion, race, politics, regional, national - - it cannot be erased, how deep into our Being does it go, to what extent is it self-defense v. to what extent is it basic, what we have to Be, what we Are, our very core, our essence. Circle the wagons

Ants. Don't we realize there's a Universe out there?

What level of arrogance bids a cleric to assert his sense of right to display his large pectoral cross in a place of deepest sacred holiness to people of another religion? 

What level of evil makes someone want to burn someone else's holy book? But there is no innocence. Sure enough, even more violence comes in the reaction. Why can't those who are offended understand the right to demonstrate and the nature of freedom of speech and action? 


For me at this age and Time of life there's reflection. What if? What would I Do and Be if I could go back to finishing Chapter 1, my 18th birthday, just turning the page to Chapter 2 and finding it blank, the first page of the rest of my life? IDK, maybe escape from the world of people? Maybe something about astronomy. Maybe something about languages. Maybe a college professor. Instead of recoiling at it as a child of WW2, maybe reclaim my German heritage. Maybe fade into oblivion, which is my destiny at any event. Coming forward decades, tell my daughter not to smoke, that Life is Good; call my sister and tell her to drive carefully, that she's got the rest of her life and there's no hurry.

Why and Where am I this Thursday predawn?

primrose path into the briar patch - - I need My Laughing Place


pic: let me make one thing clear: I never explain anything