Thursday - - Adressat unbekannt


Stretching and straining toward my goal before next Tuesday morning's weigh-in for my annual consultation with my Primary Care Physician, for some weeks now I'm taking special care about what I eat - - proteins and green vegetables, no carbs, no sweets. One meal a day: breakfast, a single serve of avocado or guacamole with lots of liquid to fool the stomach; noon dinner the protein mainly fish or chicken and one green vegetable; supper with another avocado/guacamole single serve or a salad with maybe a sprinkle of chicken or seafood. FuroForty Sixty or Eighty to keep ankles, feet and legs down to size against the CHF, and instead of any salt, NoSalt, which is potassium and should replace potassium drained off by the Furosemide. Noon dinner today will be a perfect serving of salmon left over from last evening's dinner with friends, crookneck squash reclassified as a green vegetable, and a tiny sliver, just a taste of the most unusual and scrumptious seven-layer chocolate cake imaginable. I still have Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to shed the remaining 37 pounds before Tuesday morning's weigh-in, nomesane? Life is Good. 

But this morning from The Atlantic, one of my two lifelong favorite magazines, a sentence that rattles me - - ->


Moralism Is Ruining Cultural Criticism

The left has embraced an approach long favored by the evangelical right.