Gametime category: ballots or bullets
Jeopardy Answer: a stingless male bee that can’t even gather honey and is Good For Nothing but Mating
A weblog is where one might rant opinions, hopes, anger, frustrations, disgust. My blog is peaceful, or that’s the intent, dissect some obscure Bible passage, cars I love, reminisce on Panama City half to three quarter century ago, political frustration. Sling mud at some creed. Sadness at how people stoop -- no slither -- to treat each other and speak to and about each other when it’s anonymous. Horror at raging political wingnuts on Facebook, it’s about time to take it down.
Friends who suspect my politics also know my view that my views are neither more nor less valid than the views of anyone else with a mind. With a mind. Online, rude, arrogant, mindless certitude lacks humility, intelligence or humanity, any and all. Not to read it, much less comment and Become One.
Here this morning with a post about cars, but heart and soul sad about other things. This may go the way of much that gets written one day, wisely stored, even more wisely trashed unpublished next morning. But this is next morning.
Unless the government can show injury to Americans in the war zones, Manning’s sentence is excessive. Oh, but he broke the law? History proves law is the tool of despot bullies. All government is always all bad in all ways and deserves to be exposed, embarrassed, humiliated when caught squatting with pants down classifying government sneakiness and dishonesty as secret. A ten year sentence would have been symbolic enough, and quietly release him after five years with credit for time served and double or triple credit for that part of his time served that was illegal. Manning is a pathetic being easy to bully and his prosecutor the USG is even more pathetic. Manning’s sentence signals Edward Snowden to keep running if he has any brains, but he may just have a brainless lust for media attention.
In retrospect of Manning’s courtmartial sentence for injuring nobody but splashing egg on faces, if Major Nidal Hassan's courtmartial sentence is not appropriate to the Fort Hood atrocity, we may know it’s time to overthrow the USG. Hassan deserves to be beyond all possibility of prisoner exchange, but his sentence may show the USG white feather. Not to mention Sgt Bales.
Arm Syrian rebels? There is no right side, such opportunity is gone. Assad has forfeited his right to breathe, much less to govern. Rebels fighting him are a growing threat to world safety and will become exponentially more so in years to come especially if we arm them to seize Syria: we learned nothing from arming the Taliban. We learned nothing from Iraq. We learned nothing from Vietnam. Remembering a line from -- was it Fibber McGee and Molly? --History teaches us everything it knows, and still we know nothing.
In Egypt the game is well underway. At this point in the game, we abandon or emasculate the Egyptian military at our peril and stupidity. Egypt may be ready for another democracy experiment in a hundred years.
Justice for the murder of the Australian student in Ohio, murder for fun? Should we learn from countries where justice for such heinous crime is swift, merciless, public and tutorial?
American Arab Spring? Hinted with Occupy, suppressed and forgotten? Lunatic fringe but nevertheless: the Forefathers did not give the Second Amendment for squirrel hunting.
Jeopardy Question. What is We are becoming a nation of abcdefing drones scared of our own government?
When government is scary, it's time to take it down, one way or other.
Ballot or Bullet.
When government is scary, it's time to take it down, one way or other.
Ballot or Bullet.