CFB, hotdogs, apple pie and ...

Football hotdogs apple pie and ...

Lightning storm delay, don’t care, an infuriating jab in the eye ESPN shifting to Ole Miss Vanderbilt last night from Gamecocks over North Carolina. 

A win is a win, but the morning headline should say Gamecocks win 27-10, Clowney helps some instead of Clowney, 6th-ranked Gamecocks win 27-10. But a win is a win and it was a great game for a season opener.   

No NFL fan by any means, but cut Tebow after he threw two winning touchdowns against the Giants ending it 28-20? Hopefully not, to participate in newly resigned misuse of the word. Four and five years ago who thought Tim would be hanging on precariously as 3rd string QB for New England. Facts are irrelevant, for a Gator, being for Tebow is like being for your brother. Team to hate: Denver Broncos.

Bubba’s teams tomorrow, Buffalo (cheering not betting). Not watching BigBlue beat up on Central. Clemson. Got no patience for Gators v. Toledo cupcake starters, which, no offense but brings to mind Romans hustling Jesus off to Calvary. Go Tigers beat Cougars.

Someone wrote that all Logan Thomas needs to beat Tide is confidence. LOL. Hokies then Aggies, are the elephants playing football or marbles? TG elephants don’t play gators.

Almost! Headline of the day OSU almost looking like an SEC team. Go Buffalo, SDState, Calif, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Iowa, PennState, Purdue, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, beat Meyer.

Headline US may go it alone against Syria? What megalomania is this that takes over men’s minds? Do we have a christ complex? Yes. Are we insane? Clearly. Have we learned nothing? Obviously.

... Pontiac? Oldsmobile? Mercury? DeSoto? Plymouth?