Vivat imperator
Vivat Imperator
Seizing the Moral High Ground
after Shock and Awe
Origins of topsy turvy are obscure and John Kerry is a powerful advocate for trust me on this one. But topsy turvy defines Washington reason on attacking Syria for using chemical weapons. Politicians against are for, politicians for are against, not per reason but per blind political loyalty or blind hatred for the president.
It’s no longer about punishment for using sarin, it’s now about the American president losing credibility if he backs down on his red line statement.
If the US attacks Syria, nothing positive is accomplished in the Syrian civil war or for peace in the Middle East, more children are killed by our Tomahawks than by their sarin, Bashar is dared not cowed, relations with other nations are strained, USA is self-styled world policeman Ugly American, al-Qaeda in Syria is strengthened militarily and politically, excuses are contrived to attack Israel, DOD costs out of control and out of proportion to vital national interests, regional hatred of America is enflamed. And there is no end to it.
If the U.S. attacks Syria, the American president won’t have egg on his face.
A mark of a man is whether he can admit to a mistake: running off his mouth and drawing lines in the sand when he should have been watching Honey Boo Boo.
Barak v. Bashar at ten paces.