Damned if You Do or Don't

Voyage of the Damned

Like most of my good fellow Americans, I see myself as a decent human being. I am sensitive to politically touchy issues, I try not to rant and rage in ways that would show me a politically incorrect monster. I secretly smile at the antics of Donald Trump as he runs off at the mouth and “don’t answer to nobody,” not even to the man in the mirror, if he has a mirror to look in while styling his combover every morning. TheD would do better to join the Hair Club. He would do best to effect a ponytail instead of combing it forward so it looks like it needs the pest control man to come spray for roaches. I think The Donald is ahead in his political race much too early for anything but a crash, but we’ll see. At any event, I’m afraid he believes he could run the government like he runs his businesses, firing all incompetents, and by the end of his first year as president he’ll have leapt from the Washington Monument in frustration because the government is uncontrollable and there’s no hope for Washington outside of a nuclear burst while Congress is in session. 

But where I’m going. Not to be insensitive or politically incorrect, but the migrant crisis in Europe is a human tragedy of terrible and ominously building magnitude exacerbated by incompetent host governments. The Pope is positive, calling for everyone to help, and we Americans did a good job of assimilating Vietnamese. But thousands of desperate souls, pathetic and not so pathetic, are being welcomed with open arms into Germany and Austria by good people who want to overcome their horrific history: their children and grandchildren a generation or two hence will find that they’ve created a monster in their countries in their midst. Not to mention religion, but those who are migrating in will not assimilate with the culture that welcomes them so warmly and generously, but stick to themselves, hold to their traditions, values and culture, and within a generation build up bitter resentment, a sense of rights unrealized, and vehement hatred of those around them who so naively welcomed their parents and grandparents and cute, helpless, trusting children. 

Children who grow up embittered sit on the curb angrily, hating and scheming threatening and murder. Not included and assimilated, they marginalize and become the feared, hating, and hated ones, fomenting a reaction of neo-Nazi politics in response. Eventually they will outnumber, or number in threateningly large minorities. The human record of assimilating people who are “different” is not good, and crises of catastrophic proportion are being created for the future of Europe as these people are admitted and welcomed by their European hosts. 

My problem is that I would have no idea how else humanely to deal with the pathetic human crisis of today than to let these folks in, shamed by the death of a child. It’s too late for planning, and the world learned nothing after WW2 from 1948 and the Palestinian refugee camps. The shade, the ghost, the spirit, the spectre, the shadow of some inverse M.S. St. Louis is docking.