Sunday: saving stupid

Sunsets across St. Andrew Bay can be extraordinary, as last evening 201509121904

From our house those years, we could see this from the living room windows and from the front porch, but it was subtly through the trees. Bright, or gathering doom, or violently flashing thunder storm, there’s nothing subtle here. And 65F this morning moment, maybe it’s autumn, perhaps Fall 2015 has come at last.

There’s no serial to blogposts on +Time, each day stands on its own, though now and then I may go back to read what I said and may edit if it’s too honest of mind or intemperate of tongue. As yesterday. One of my favorite words being “stupid” gets tossed contemptuously upon politicians and those who voted for them, and especially upon certitudinous religious. Sorry about that. Now and then sorry enough to go back and belatedly temper my intemperate and save "stupid" for another day.

Last night's cliffhanger? The final 30 seconds of the Florida game. Jiminy.


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