The political pundits will have spoken about the candidates’ performance last night. Not even a religious pundit, spiritual nor theological, I’m nevertheless as qualified as the next voter to have watched and pundify. I was impressed that once in a while someone remembered that they should be blasting the Dem instead of trying to cut each other off at the knees.
The event seemed more substantial than last time, even if more personal and direct among those on stage. Trying to seem less negative all round, though never apologizing because when you apologize you jump into a hole and get covered up, TheD even gulped, swallowed hard, and said MrsF was beautiful; interviewed when it was all over, he said everybody did “very well” biting his tongue to keep his Self from bragging that his Self had done most very well of all. TheD’s biggest errors were his rude opening slash that SenDrRandPaul shouldn’t even be up there; SDRP probably shouldn’t be up there, he makes too much sense, an anomaly in the crowd. TheD’s other goof was nodding His head too eagerly when others spoke, trying to prove himSelf a GOP redshirt after all. GovH was his usual blow-ho. SenTexas: whenever a camera glanced his way it flipped a switch that started a mindless prerecorded political spiel, like my birthday card that when you breathe on it starts loudly singing “Happy birthday to you.” The card's a keeper but Tex is not. Dr. Carson proved himself too nice and general to be president but could be veep as long as the Secret Service keeps Gator safe. Jeb! stumbles too much waiting for his next word to come. I wouldn’t want to get on MrsF’s essList, she does not suffer fools, no wonder the fools at HP didn’t like her. The rest of them: shake the bag, close your eyes, reach in, draw one out, and hope you don’t get the short straw.
Thursday: The Day After
Thos+ in +Time+