Sudoku, I love working Sudoku, through the one in yesterday's PCNY (Linda buys a paper on Saturdays and I read the comics, scan the obits, may glance at the day's Sudoku), purely logic and elimination, "can't be 1, can't be 2, can be 3, can't be 4, can be 5, &C, make your marks in each box and go back as you solve one here and there and apply reason. I seldom work them because they require total focus and concentration along with Time, but now and again I have a go at it. Tass introduced me to it years ago.
Sun in the east as we left for church at 6:20 this morning. I'm in the library at church at the moment, where there is peace & quiet. A big day at HNEC, Backpack Sunday, Rally Day, for the first time I think my Rally Day display poster site is decent. Will there be Sunday School here later as usual? Only if anyone comes, because that time today is supposed to be spent browsing the several dozen poster displays of various programs we offer. I have two up, Adult SS and EfM. But I'll be down here in the library in case anyone finishes browsing and decides to come.
The absolute evil that religion and politics can be crawls out from under its rock from Time to Time. Jonathan Turley, renowned and prominent WashDC lawyer, posts on various, mostly legal and political, issues. A post yesterday, copy & pasted below, unveils such a one. I remember years ago, a parishioner saying "Nobody should be allowed to vote against President Reagan," being appalled but not surprised in the small Southern town where I was serving then, at such, her manifestation of supreme ignorance or even contempt for the clumsy but nevertheless workings of our democracy: it is half the citizenry's role to support, and the other half's role to criticize and vote against. My parishioner was old, uneducated, naive, crotchety, and worse, worst, absolutely Certain where Certainty is the greatest of "sins unknown." But this paragon of "Christian" Certainty, obscenely flashing his view of the democratic process, is downright evil to the very core of him -> ->
Ship passing 7H at 0446 this morning.
Liberty University President Calls For Trump Critics To Be Arrestedby jonathanturley |
Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. issued an alarming tweet that suggested that critics of President Donald Trump including James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Jeff Sessions, and Loretta Lynch to be arrested. While we are living in an age of rage, such statements from a university president is deeply disconcerting. Read more of this post