Thursday, Aug 09
Than mature, more likely a naive fledgling from a nest nearby, an osprey first flew over as I sat in the high chair at 7H porch rail, cocking his head to look down at me, then a moment later circled back and in a tad closer, I reckon to make sure I was too large to be on his breakfast menu this morning. If I'd had my camera up, a good picture. Next time.
Western sky, rising sun reflecting brightly on clouds and windows of Gulffront highrise condos on Thomas Drive.
Meantime, Thursday, Aug 09 lightens as a clear, crisp day. Eastern sky over downtown Panama City an hour ago:
Cuppa hot black earlier, now a glass of thick, icy cold banana strawberry to postpone my own breakfast. The osprey will have, likely, a fresh mullet still flapping and wondering WTH as it's airlifted high and away. So many things are created as food for something else.
A thought for all Time, especially bad Times
as I wonder whether good guys or bad guys will write the obituary for where we are now as a world and nation, and see it recorded as "history."