
Bright and red when, a few minutes ago, I stepped out here onto 7H porch to look across, up and down StAndrews Bay and for my from earth quarter-sphere scan of the universe, Mars has slipped into the haze above the western horizon. No, there's Mars again, I went back inside for my camera and it's no good anyway.

No sour grapes, but what looks enormous to my eye does not necessarily to my camera that supposedly never lies, and the picture would not have been impressive anyway. Still, I've enjoyed seeing Mars as the brightest object in the sky for this past month and do wish it could always be so. No, there it is again, but see

this camera actually is quite the liar, I wish it would lie about me, but facts is facts. 

Mars in the west from 7H porch, above the highrise lights on Thomas Drive and navigation lights here on the Bay where but one lone shrimper is moving this early of a Sunday morning. 

Moving with her not so distant buzz. 

Now she's coming round right and heading home to StAndrews Marina and a day's rest. 

There's a larger craft just entered the Bay from the Pass, but no tug waiting, must not be heading for the Port. And down up close to the right of me, a light in the water, someone wading out fishing. 

Hey down there!! Any good?

5:12 and Sunday morning's getting light in the east.


Good breakfast. Cheese eggs & spinach