
Clear, the sky is so clear this morning, and stars, Orion high in the eastern arc, his belt pointing straight down to Sirius the brightest star in our heavens. There was a place and Time in life, maybe as recent as our front yard on the hilltop in Yokohama, when I could see the Milky Way of which we incredibly but nonetheless are a part; and might now see but for lights from downtown and from the park below, Oaks by the Bay. 

Looking out into the heavens that are so clear in the blackness just before dawn, and seeing night as a Time for slipping away, I wonder what happens with whatever we are, or in our fear and egocentrism believe we are - - mindful that Faith is not certainty but confidence in things hoped for, conviction of things not seen - - at and forever after our first moment just after Time, that faith hopes opens Eternity to each of us.

The belief that is Faith has varied over Time and for different belief systems as long as we humans, proto-humans or near-humans have been self-aware, not oblivious to ourselves. I appreciate a petition in the prayers of our Burial service,  

Give courage and faith to those who are bereaved, that they
may have strength to meet the days ahead in the comfort of a
reasonable and holy hope, in the joyful expectation of eternal
life with those they love. 

although faith is not knowledge but hope, confidence, conviction.

This morning I also have in mind that that other 9/11 also was a beautiful Tuesday morning, but one as from which nothing would ever be the same again, the first day after the last day of civilization as we knew it.